Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The New Banlist

Chaos Sorceror
Necro Gardna
Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner
Burial From Another Dimension
Foolish Burial
Destiny Draw
Charge of the Light Brigade
Allure of Darkness
Mind Crush
Magical Explosion

Semi Restrict:
Cyber Dragon
Demise the King of Armageddon
Treeborn Frog
Black Whirlwind
United We Stand
Royal Decree
Royal Oppression
Skill Drain

To 3:
Mask of Darkness
Smashing Ground

First off WTF! They didn't weaken Lightsworn. They murdered it. With Lumina, Charge, and Gardna limited the LS crew is out of power. To make things worse Honest was semi-ed as well making LS nothing but a joke. Zombies were hit as expected with Mezuki back in the limited list and both Burials joining it on the list. Chaos Sorcerer, Tragoedia, and Allure at 1 weakened every dark deck out there and ruined LS chance at a revival in the form of Twilight. Chaos is dead. D-Draw and Allure at 1 makes the D-Hero engine obsolete. Necroface and Magical Explosion at 1 ends the possibility of the OCG otk's from setting foot in TCG territory. Mind Crush at 1 doesn't make sense to me but whatever I don't mind. Cyber Dragon at 2 revives the dead machine archetype and gives Monarch decks hope along with the extra Treeborn frog and Dandylion now accessible to them. Black Whirlwind at 2 was the only hit Blackwing took aside from Allure but I'm pretty sure they'll suffice with Reckless Greed. Royal Oppression and Skill Drain at hit all the anti meta decks and makes GB's scream with joy. Royal Decree at 2 really doesn't do much but I don't care about this one either. Mask of Darkness at 3 makes Trap Heavy decks better in reusing their traps while an unlimited Smashing Ground will deal with all the annoying big defenders and will most likely replace Fissure.

Its finally confirmed by Shriek so everyone who held on their D-Draws and Lightsworn cards tough luck.

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