Tuesday, January 26, 2010

QuickDraw Synchro

Yusei decks are pretty damn good! My friend runs this build and its competetive and synchs like theres no tomorrow and it draws like hell too. It was able to beat my glad deck once every match but thats because Glad decks are the Kryptonite to combo decks like this one. You can see our duels on my good friend's Youtube channel right here.

Heres duel 1.

Here's duel 2.

Here's duel 3.

Quickdraw synchron x3
Junk Synchron x3
quillbolt hedgehog x2
breaker the magical warrior
level eater
tuning ware x3
darksea rescue x3
chaos sorcerer x2
card trooper
armageddon knight

foolish burial x2
reasoning x1
desynchro x2
machine duplication x2
allure of darkness x2
heavy storm
one for one
brain control
mind control
reinforcements of the army

threatening roar x2
call of the haunted
limit reverse
mirror force
torrential tribute

junk archer x2
junk warrior
road warrior
nitro warrior
turbo warrior
armory arm
colossal fighter
mist wurm
stardust dragon x2
black rose dragon
magical android
goyo guardian

Dont forget to subscribe to my friend Wild Harpie!!!

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